Les Petits Renards - Centre de pédiatrie sociale en communauté


4400, boul. Lasalle, Verdun, (QC) H4G 2A8

Phone: (438) 387-7428

Website: http://www.lespetitsrenards.ca/en/home/

Si vous êtes en situation d’urgence ou avez besoin de parler à un intervenant rapidement, veuillez communiquer avec le CIUSSS de votre région ou avec la ligne parents au 1 800 263-3366

Active in the Verdun community since December 2011, our Community Social Pediatrics Centre, helps children and teenagers living in vulnerable situations, as well as their families. Our interventions are designed to respect the rhythm of families and aim to reduce the impact of various stresses and thus promote the optimal development of children.

Respect for children’s rights, working in partnership with families as well as with local organizations, the proximity of the services offered, and the development of each individual’s potential and strengths act as powerful levers for motivation and change.