De Gatineau (secteur Hull) – Community social pediatrics centre


39 Frontenac st, Gatineau, Québec, J8X 1Y9

Phone: 819 600-1661


Si vous être en situation d’urgence ou avez besoin de parler à un intervenant rapidement, veuillez communiquer avec le CIUSSS de votre région ou avec la ligne parents au 1 800 263-3366

The mission of the Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Gatineau is to provide accompaniment, support and care for children living in situations of social and economic vulnerability, by building on their strengths so that they can realize their full potential, while respecting the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

To achieve its mission, the Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Gatineau believes in sharing power with families and significant others, while respecting the child’s dignity and promoting their rights.